Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

 A birthday party was purposefully planned for my child in which I could not attend. Action.

They said it was a miscommunication. Words.

I was talked about unfavorably to my husband a few days later when I was not present.  Action.

They said later, it was another miscommunication. Words.

A lot of miscommunication going on.

I say, it goes a lot deeper than that.

Why was a birthday party planned when I could not be in attendance?
Because my presence was not seen as a necessary one. I am not valued as a member of the family. Actions spoke that loudly.

Why are they speaking negatively about me to my husband?
Because they want to be right more than they want us to be happily married.
Actions spoke that loudly.

We tried talking about it with them last year about how we are treated. But we are here again. Actions speak louder than words, so my husband went over alone to draw a very hard active boundary with them.  My husband showed them that if they were going to act in a way that could harm his marriage or hurt his wife, then he was going to choose me. We needed space from them for awhile. Neither of us wanted it to come to that, but actions speak louder than words.

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